Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blog (s) Hiatus

I’ve said this before, I will say it again: HERE WE GO AGAIN.

In August I put out a Blog Statement announcing I was putting my Blogs to a Monthly Schedule for the remainder of 2018 – excluding Raw Flesh.

The plan was to put them back on track on 2019.

Not long after posting that, after much consideration, I decided to put all Blogs, including RAW FLESH, on hiatus until 2019.

This was supposed to have been announced weeks ago, but didn’t happened because I was sick and spent Halloween in the hospital with pneumonia. Getting better was a more of a priority then posting.

In the New Year, the Blogs will return starting from scratch. I need to prioritize certain things and this is the best decision at the moment – and will be better for the Blogs in the long run.

Upon their return The Burning Mind, This Is A True Story, What I Watch I Review and Raw Flesh will be posted on a Monthly Basis. As the year progresses and things play out I may post more often, perhaps even moving back to a bi-weekly or weekly schedule.

Right now, a monthly schedule will be best.

I will however return to doing the Burning Mind weekly Reviews each Saturday.

Wrestlementary will be handled differently – an actual format for Wrestlementary will be figured out and announced later.

All Blogs Will Return with ‘State of’ initial posts on:

  • Monday, December 31st – State of the Master
  • Tuesday, January 1st – Wrestlementary
  • Wednesday, January 2nd – The Burning Mind
  • Thursday, January 3rd – This Is A True Story
  • Friday, January 4th – What I Watch I Review
  • Sunday, January 6th – Raw Flesh

Then, they will resume being posted on what is (for now) planned as the regular Schedule:

  • The Burning Mind – Wednesday, January 9th; Then the FIRST Wednesday of Each Month
  • This Is A True Story – Thursday, January 17; Then the SECOND Thursday of Each Month
  • What I Watch I Review – Friday, January 25; Then the THIRD Friday of Each Month
  • Raw Flesh – Sunday, January 27th, Then the FOURTH Sunday of Each Month
  • State of the Master – The Last Day of Each Month
  • Wrestlementary – TBA

So, for January expect two posts per Blog, then monthly after that. With Wrestlementary’s schedule to come.

I will still be making periodical postings to Facebook and Twitter with updates as we close in on the New Year.


Ace Masters.

Friday, September 14, 2018

What I Watch I Review - Assassin's Creed - The Movie

So, what film am I going to review for the return of What I Watch I Review?

The epic film version of the best-selling video game franchise.

Directed By Justin Kurzel

Screenplay by Michael Lesslie, Adam Cooper, Bill Collage

Starring Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson, Charlotte Rampling

Did I write ‘epic’ above? I’m sorry, that was a mistake. Anemic might be more like it.

Aimless. Pointless. Makes-Little-Sense.

Video Games: Epic YES.

Movie: Epic NO!

Let’s get right down to the Brass Knucks on Assassin’s Creed. It is an adaptation of the mega selling (and personally awesome) video game franchise. But you probably knew that, didn’t you?

Of course, if you’re a fan of the video game franchise, you probably dived in expecting said adaptation . . . only to wonder ‘Where in Hell is it?’

As an adaptation, the film is bad. There is only surface level resemblance to the source material and even that is questionable. It’s like the filmmakers never bothered to found out what the film was based on, or didn’t care.

As just a film – taking out the fact that it is an adaptation – it is still plain bad.

Even with the always reliable Michael Fassbender in the lead, this film never rises above mediocrity. It is pointless, aimless and doesn’t seem to have any real reason to exist. It seems to want to be an action film, but at the same time doesn’t – as the action scenes and fights just don’t deliver.

The Video Games have a sense of purpose and discovery about them, the world grows as you play and they are not action only games – one actually has to figure things out for themselves and use their intelligence and wits to play.

All this is sorely missing from this ‘movie.’

As is a script and any real sense of direction.

If this was truly an Assassin’s Creed film, it would be filled with intrigue, politics, mysteries to be solved, a goal and purpose for the main character. Then it could be Epic.

As is, it’s not.

Final Thoughts:
You can’t spell Assassin without ASS, ASS.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What I Watch I Review - A Blog Statement

I have recently posted the full Blog Statement on Facebook and my State of the Master Blog (Read Here:

Few and far between have been my Blog posts. Recently I’ve gotten somewhat back on track, but not enough.

I am announcing a change to What I Watch I Review. That is it will be going monthly for the remainder of 2018, starting September – The Second Friday of each month.

In December I will decide whether to keep it monthly, or try going back to the original weekly schedule.



Saturday, August 4, 2018

Solo, A Star Wars Story

Director: Ron Howard

Screenplay: Lawrence Kasdan, Jonathan Kasdan

Alden Ehrenreich
Woody Harrelson
Emilia Clarke
Donald Glover
Paul Bettany
Joonas Suotamo

“Why all the hate?”

Despite what is being said by many fans and critics, SOLO is not a bad or terrible film. Truth is, it’s a damn good film.

I have to admit, I went in with intripdation. I was part of the crowd that was not really looking forward to a Solo film (I Wanted Skywalker). I was also one of the many left unimpressed with the first trailer or two.

I went into the theater with low expectations.

I walked out 140 minutes or so later very happy with what I had witnessed. To me, Solo delivered.

The thing to keep in mind is this: This is NOT the Han Solo we’ve meet before and grew to love. This story takes place well before Luke and Ben and US ever meet Han Solo.

This is a younger Solo, a decade or more before A New Hope as we see the first steps this Han takes in his young life to become the scoundrel and Rebel Han that we know.

These first steps see Han and his girlfriend Qi’ra recklessly attempt to escape Corellia for a better life, only to get separated. She escapes, and Han avoids being caught by accidently enlisting in the Imperial Navy – Yes, at one point Han served the Empire! (Not Willingly.)

After a few years of trying to get out of the service to find Qi’ra, Han attaches himself to Tobias Beckett and his mercenaries. Thus begins a journey that sees him meet and rescue Chewbacca for the first time, reconnect with Qi’ra, meet Lando, make the famed Kessel Run and get ownership of the Millennium Falcon.

Solo is a very fun origin/prequel story that sets the stage and shows us some pivotal moments and people that shape this young Solo into the Han we first meet in A New Hope.

As one would expect from Star Wars, there is action, adventure and great special effects – but the true strength of this film is its characters.

Donald Glover shines as a younger Lando Calrissian.

Woody Harrelson steals the entire move as Tobias Beckett – giving us the template for what Han will become.

Alden Ehrenreich as Han carries the movie – he gives a stellar performance, praised by George Lucas and Harrison Ford alike.

This script was co-written by Lawrence Kasdan – with his son, Jonathan. Any Star Wars fans should know who Kasdan is. If not, check yourself.

The script delivered on the three things it should have: Story, Plot and Characters. The Story was very good. Keep in mind this was basically a character piece to introduce us to a young Han Solo and see him set on the path to become the Han we all know. WE DON’T KNOW THIS HAN.


In fact we don’t know this Lando or Chewbacca either.

While this is not the first time we are meeting them, we are seeing them earlier in their lives then when we first meet them.

Final Thoughts:

I thought it was a strong film across the board, and a more worthy entrant into the Star Wars mythos then the prequel trilogy, Forces Awakens or The Last Jedi.

A Damn Good film.


Now “Why all the hate?”

I don’t get the hate toward this film from some Critics and Fans alike. The main arguments I hear are complete bullshit.

1) This wasn’t Han.

2) It didn’t add anything new to the Star Wars Franchise.

3) The film didn’t take any risks.

I’m going to tackle these briefly here.

3) The film didn’t take any risks.

Was it suppose to? Ron Howard came in to make the film at the last moment, taking over from the previous directors who parted way for creative differences. The film had one purpose, to entertain, like all Star Wars films. No Star Wars film has ever really taken risks, they don’t tell those types of story.

The only risk ever taken was the financial risk of making the first Star Wars film in the first place.

2) It didn’t add anything new to the Star Wars Franchise.

Ok, really? Let’s see . . . first off, why does it have to add anything new? There’s nothing new about Star Wars in general. Lucas has long admitted it’s based on Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers and many other film serials and ideas: Hence the ‘Star Wars Crawl.’

But let’s keep this to Solo. What does it add new?

Qi’ra, Han’s girlfriend and his whole reason for becoming what he has.

Crimson Dawn! Before this was only ever mentioned in Novels and Comics books – all of which Disney wiped out. Now it is official cannon.

How about Tobias Beckett? How can anyone say nothing new was added when here is the biggest new character added outside of Rey and Kylo Ren? And a better character.

1) This wasn’t Han.
Oh, please. I can’t believe people are going here. This was Han, only a younger Han. This was an origin story, this is who Han was before we meet him in A New Hope and the story of how he became that Han. To criticize this for not showing us the older Han is stupid!

I’ve heard that this Han wasn’t the gun ho, take no prisoners risking taking Han. First off, everything the younger Han in Solo did was taking risks. Escaping Corellia, escaping his service in the Imperial Navy, rescuing Chewy, joining Beckett, going head to head with Crimson Dawn, The Kessel Run.

Yeah, no risks there.

And lets the honest, the A New Hope and older Han was a scoundrel, smuggler and coward. That’s set up right from the start in Star Wars: A New Hope. Remember, Guedo is there because Han dumped Jabba’s shipment. Also, Han runs anytime there is trouble, such as from the Storm Troopers on The Death Star.

Granted, Han becomes braver as the films go on, but that is out of necessity – and to impress a certain princess.

The majority of people are comparing the Solo Han to the myth of the Older Han – not the actual character we know.

Get over yourselves.

Friday, June 22, 2018

What I Watch I Review a State of Review

At this time, even though I cannot ‘Watch It,’ I want to do a short State of Review of What I Watch I Review.

How will I do this Review, in three Parts: Writing, Content and Frequency.

Writing: Of course the writing of these reviews that I post are Stellar and without compare or equal. What is said in the reviews is brilliant, and the assessment of each film is spot on perfect.

Content: The content has varied of course, depending on the movie being watch. Some are great: Rouge One, A Star Wars Story. Some are unwatchable: The Phantom Punch. The content of each film has little to do with the Blog Writing, but the writing does elevate the content.

Frequency: From day one this was planned to be a bi-weekly blog. At times that has been kept to, but there have been long period of inactivity.

Final Thoughts: The blog is on the verge of greatness, but needs to be posted to more often.
FINAL RATING: 6.6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666

COMING SOON: Movie Reviews will return to What I Watch I Review on Friday, July 5th. As posted in my State of the Master Blog – I am prioritizing projects and this blog is one of those Priorities.

Check back on July 6th for SOLO, A STAR WASR STORY Review.

Ace Masters.

Friday, February 2, 2018



Welcome everything to the first edition of FF WORTHY, where I will briefly discuss films I don’t finished and often just fast forward (Hence the FF) through to the end, just to see what the hell happens in these films. These are the ‘Unfinished Films’ that I have talked about in the past.

Often, I only watch enough to tell I can’t or won’t watch anymore, then FF to the end. There really is no reason for a full piece on one film, so from now on, when the mood strikes me, I will do FF WORTHY, with each piece covering three unwatchable films, why they are unwatched and whatnot.

For FF WORTHY VOL 1 these three films are be:


Of these three films Dead Still would be the best, Mardock Scramble the most disappointing and The Last Starship the most insulting.

How can I say a film I didn’t finish is the best of a group I didn’t finished? Because I watch most of it before FF.


In Dead Still a struggling photographer comes into possession of his famous grandfather’s camera that he used to take Victorian Era Death Photos with. When the grandson starts using the camera himself, everyone he photographs dies horrible deaths. Turns out his grandfather was an evil bastard.

Dead Still is a well-made film, with some decent acting that struggles with two things, a poor script and small/bad set syndrome. While some set looks good, many more make you cringe.

The script needed another pass, as it moves to fast, feels choppy, and lacks the real characterization it needs. Certain characters seem misplaced, with no real motivation and make jumps of logic with no info to base their conclusions on.

Ultimately the film feels choppy, comes off at times like vignettes and somehow feels boring. Around the forty minutes mark the FF button was pushed.

The creature effects toward the end are nice.

The most insulting. That is what I wrote above. I mean it too. This is one of those films that barely rate as a film. It’s insulting to call it a film. It’s insulting to ask people to watch this film. I wonder if the good reviews I seen for this film were legit.

Nothing about LAST STARSHIP is good, or makes sense. The acting is lazy. The script is terrible. The cinematography is horrendous and the movie’s look and effects are poor for early 1990’s low budget crap.

All I can figure out is that this is supposed to be a post-apocalypse story with someone fighting someone while waiting for a legendary Last Starship to return which carries the Republic of Eos.

I watched (survived) the first twenty minutes of this before FF through the rest. I stop at a few points, but nothing seemed to get better, only worse. This Last Starship mentioned throughout the movie, and in the Title, never shows up!

Skip, unless you want to torture yourself. There’s not anything to even make fun of.



Okay, my thoughts here are probably going to piss anime fans off. I had heard and read great things about Mardock Scramble (as with most Anime). I really don’t know if it lives up to the hype and good rep.

Everything I had read was sort of misleading, including the official write-up and the back matter on the DVD set. I sat down to watch a thrilling serial killer murder mystery – there was nothing to lead me to believe there would be a talking military experiment mouse, a fantastical plot and idiotic characters.

The animation looks beautiful and is well made and gritty, but it doesn’t carry these movies. I only made it about 20 minutes into the first film – when a group of mercenaries are brought in, the script doesn’t make it clear who or what they are.

This is where I tuned out – these characters killed the first movie for me. They acted in a manner I found disturbed (overly sexually and unneeded) and didn’t add anything. I also found it quite stupid and stereotypical.

Unfortunately, Mardock Scramble is pushed as ground breaking, but in the long run, what I did watch, just furthers the typical Anime clichés.

 - Ace Masters


Director Chris Peckover
Writer Zack Kahn
Starring Olivia De Jonge
Levi Miller
Ed Oxenbould
Alex Mikic
Dacre Montgomery
Patrick Warburton
Virginia Madsen

Better Watch Out is a Christmas time slasher flick. That is the film takes place over the Christmas Holidays, but that isn’t really integral to the plot.

In Better Watch Out, Ashley (Olivia De Jonge) is babysitting for a regular family client of hers. During the night, weird things start too happened and it appears there is an intruder in the house! Or is there?

Better Watch Out is a mixed bag, it is both entertaining and aggravating at the same time. There are many good parts to this movie, which are weighed down by many more stupid parts and a lackluster script.

The best part of this film is Levi Miller, whose performance as Luke, a horny, homicidal teen is disturbing.

Yes, horny, homicidal teen. Yep – that’s the plot right there. Better Watch Out makes no attempt to hide who the killer is or what is going on. The movie is more about what he is doing and his weird sense of why he is doing it.

Luke conspires with his best friend, Garrett (Ed Oxenbould) to scare his hot, blonde babysitter Ashley – with the belief that it will get her endorphins going, she’ll get turned on and wham – no more virgin!

Things spiral badly out of control for all characters in the movie, besides Luke. The collateral damage caused by this horny, homicidal idiot is wide spread and bloody, this includes his babysitter, her boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend and Garrett, who decides to late that all this is wrong.

It seems that all this damage was planned by Luke – who thinks he can get away with it.

If there is one thing this film is not lacking, it’s acting. Everyone in this film puts in a good performance – even Patrick Warburton. Who, in his brief few scenes, is pure Patrick Warburton.

It also doesn’t lack for action – there is always something going on.

Even if that something is something stupid.

There is something else that Better Watch Out doesn’t lack – stupidity. I believe the filmmakers may have been going for comedy, but slipped somewhere along the way. There are too many moments that cross the line into stupidity – in the things Luke does, how the other characters react and what the audience is supposed to accept with suspense of disbelief.

In the end Better Watch Out joins the growing list of horror/slasher flicks taking place during Christmas that come out every holiday season in these modern times of ours.

Final Thought:
It doesn’t stand out by being any better than the rest, but by being more outlandish.

Wait and watch it next Christmas Eve – you might get a laugh.

RATING: 5.75

Saturday, January 6, 2018


January 5th, 2018

At the top of the show we get video recaps of everything that has happened leading up to this first broadcast of 2018 – a stack show with 4 titles match and a Career versus Career match. Can IMPACT deliver and IMPACT to start 2018?

Shockingly, they just might, as IMPACT started out hot with an X Division title match between Taiji Ishimori and Trevor Lee, with Caleb Konley ring side.

I’ve never been a big Trevor Lee fan, and outside of a few matches in IMPACT I don’t know much about Ishimori – except that he is the NEW X DIVISION CHAMPION. This match was fast, well down and a great way to start of IMPACT Hot.

They set the bar for the rest of the show – a high bar.

Konan – the old boy is pissed, and getting a Fireball in the face will do that. He calls for a World of Violence, as he will lead LAX in a Title Match against OVE – with the caveat that if LAX loses, they leave IMPACT.

James Storm does an impassioned interview concerning with feud and match with Dan Lambert. Damn good promo and it is great to see Storm being James Storm again, and not leading some group.

Impact Grand Championship – 3 Way Match: EC3 defends again Fallah Ball and Matt Sydal.

Admittedly, I missed a ton of Impact last year, so I haven’t seen much of Sydal in Impact – but know him well. Fallah Ball I know nothing about – except he is amply named.

I have to admit that I was really impressed with Fallah Ball as he dominated and won round 1. He moved quick and smoothly for his size . . . then fizzled out and did nothing in round two. EC3 took over and destroyed Ball and Sydal as he easily won round two. The third round was far more even, but the judges gave the round and win to EC3.

Over all this was a good match, every one delivered and did a good job. No slackers here. Not quite Grand, but damn good.

When are they going to let Allie be Allie, instead of this insecure bag of nerves? Haven’t they done this with her long enough? She is a legit women’s wrestler. I have never liked how they use her, or Laurel Van Ness.

Career versus Career Match: James Storm versus Dan Lambert – first off who the Hell is Dan Lambert. Secondly, why the hell is this happening? There was no match, just a coward having other people bet up James Storm so he can win.

Because of America’s Top Team, Lambert won – James Storm is gone from IMPACT.

Stupid and sucks.

I hate celebrity or non-wrestler involvement in matches and angles.

Speaking of What the Hell? Who is Chandler Park and why is Abyss back as Joseph Park? Chandler is in the ring with John Bolin and in a stupid waste of time filler match. He does absolutely noting but get his ass kicked, then wins when Big Brother punches Bolin.


Okay, so the Global Championship Match between Eli Drake and Alberto El Patron wasn’t even taped with the rest of the show? It wasn’t even on an IMPACT Card, it was a Wrestle Pro event? Nothing wrong with that, kind of nice actually, just weird.

Actually scratch that, there was a lot wrong with this. Bad filming to start with, the quality of this footage is so far below what IMPACT does it’s shameful. The camera work is terrible as well. And we don’t even get the full match.

This doesn’t make IMPACT look good, especially with a near empty venue. It’s nice that IMPACT partners with smaller promotion, but does it help IMPACT or is it a sign of the End Times?

Oh, Eli Drake retained after hitting Alberto with the title.

Main Event Time as LAX makes their way out . . . and is attacked by Sammy Callahan and OVE! Ortiz and Santana are beat down with trash can lids. Sammy and Homicide fight to who-knows-where.

The Match eventually starts in the ring with Santana going at it alone against both Crist brothers! He tries the best he can, suffers a massive beat down, but doesn’t give up. Ortiz finally get to the ring, but doesn’t fair any better, going one-on-two with Santana out of commission.

Eventually, but grit and determination, with the crowd behind them, Ortiz and Santana recover, fight through and find a way to win! NEW TAGE TEAM CHAMPIONS – LAX

I loved this match. Violent, hard hitting with an overcome the odds story. A Great way to end the show.

The Lowlights:

  • Career versus Career Match: James Storm versus Dan Lambert
  • Chandler Park
  • The Presentation of the Global Championship Match 

The Highlights:

  • X Division Title match between Taiji Ishimori and Trevor Lee
  • Impact Grand Championship – 3 Way Match: EC3 defends again Fallah Ball and Matt Sydal.
  • The Main Event

Final Thoughts:
This episode pissed me the Hell off. The first third was great. The second third was crap. The final third was great again.

This episode could have and should have been Impactful, but fell short because the second third.

  • The Highlight of the Night: Taiji Ishimori’s title win.
  • Match of the Night: The Main Event
  • Wrestler of the Night: Taiji Ishimori


Friday, January 5, 2018


So, how did the WWE do in their first Broadcast of the New Year?

Did RAW Fail . . . again?

Did SD LIVE Thrive . . . again?

Let’s find out, right now . . . in the first ever edition of:

January 1st, 2018 – New Year’s Day.

I’ll give it up for, to start of the New Year, they did go all out. They even delivered a near ‘guy cry’ moment, a moment we can only hope wasn’t a one off.


Once again, we started RAW off with an overlong filler promo that seems designed to just waste time. Once again, Angle is out to say something, gets interrupted and ONCE AGAIN Jason Jordan sticks his nose where he doesn’t belong and beats his chest.

This time it is The Bar interrupting Angle demanding a rematch for their titles, out comes Jason acting like he is ready to take both Cesaro and Sheamus on. Cue, Seth Rollins, not out to back up his new tag team champion partner, but to scold Jason for not being a team player.

All this resulted in a sudden match that saw Cesaro job out to Jordan.

Really? I’m sick of this Jason Jordan angle. I’m sick of him saying he is the only guy who can beat someone when he rarely wins. I was hoping it would end soon, but with Jordan replacing the injured Ambrose that doesn’t seem likely.

We all know how this story will eventually end: either Angle and Jordan turn heel, or Jordan turns heel and reveals Angle isn’t his father – leading to a match.

Right now, Jordan is taking up to much time on RAW and it isn’t adding to the show. RAW is become the Jason Jordan Show. Which, any time he is on the air, is becoming a great moment to get a snack.

It wouldn’t be such a bad thing if Jordan wasn’t a CRY BABY.

Alexa Bliss is scheduled for a Non-Title match against Asuka – much to her chagrin. She doesn’t want in. She spends her time on RAW leading up to the match first trying to get Angel to cancel it, then unsuccessfully trying to get Nia Jax to be ring side. Sorry Alexa. Good luck.

Leading into Roman Reigns’ match with Samoa Joe, he and Seth talk about Joe. Cue Jason Jordan again butting it. Yikes.

In the back, Kane approaches Strowman with an idea: They team up at the Rumble to take out Brock. Good Idea. Problem: Strowman says NO.

The Show closed out with Brock in ring and Heyman mouthing off as usually – with the claim that Brock is the devil’s favorite, not Kane. Kane didn’t like this, and made Brock pay with a chokeslam. Brock would sit up, and clothesline Kane of the ring.

Then the locker room emptied to separate the two. Credits rolled with Kane being forced to the back, and Brock bouncing around ring side.

A nice segment to end the show and set up the match. Braun Strowman NOT involved made it even better, selling that he doesn’t care about either one.

It was a little odd though, as it seemed to me the boys from the back came out a little too early.


Cesaro versus Jason Jordan

This come out of the opening Promo Segment. It was an average match at best, both guys showcased what they can do. Cesaro showed his ring savvy and experience far outmatched anything Jordan could do physically. In the end though, Jordan gain the upset victory.

Bray Wyatt versus Apollo Crews

Why? Why? Apollo Crews is far better than what they are doing with him. In this throw away match, Bray dominated and beat Crews rather easily, even with Titus World Wide at Ring Side.
Then Hardy appeared on the Titan Tron, seemingly freaking out Bray. (Can I wake up now?)

Alexa Bliss versus Asuka (Non-Title)

For the majority of this match, Bliss stayed in avoidance mode, or was getting completely dominated. When Bliss tried to fight, we saw glimpses of what could be a good match. In the end though, Bliss wasn’t just ‘Not Ready For Asuka’ she didn’t want any part of Asuka.

Asuka wins via tap out.

Strowman versus Rhyno, then Slater

Wow. In Rhyno’s attempt to toughing up Slater all he achieved was both of them getting squashed by Strowman. And a bloodthirsty crowd calling for Strowman to do it ‘on more time.’

Intercontinental Championship Match: Roman Reigns versus Samoa Joe

I have only two things to say about this match: Match of the Night; Wrestlers of the Night.

If you want, you can skip the rest of the show and just watch this match. I am not even a Roman fan, and I will admit he was great here. He might finally be getting better.

Drew Gulak and Divari versus Cedric Alexander and . . .

Drew Gulak started out by read a statement from Enzo – who can’t defend the title due to the flu. Best part of this, Drew correcting Enzo bad grammar.

Instead we get a tag match. Cedric’s partner: GOLDUST!!!

Cedric and Goldust go on to win a short but entertaining match.

Elias, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel in a six-man tag match against . . . The (Bullet) CLUB. Yes, you read that right.

Elias, Dallas, Axel versus Fin Balor, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Forget about the squash match, it was awesome seeming these three together.

Cole even mention their time in Japan together, but not by name.

The Highlights:

  • Goldust
  • Intercontinental Championship Match
  • The Club! This is the near Guy Cry moment. Please WWE let this guy stay a group, give us something to really go for.

Final Thoughts:
I’ve written for almost two years now: RW BAD, SD LIVE GOOD. Maybe not tonight.

Tonight I felt RAW delivered an above average show which I enjoyed. I loved seeing The Club together, Alexa being the cowardly heel was nice, Enzo not on the show was great and the IC Title match Rocked.

Lowlight of the Night: No Cruiserweight title match

Highlight of the Night: The ‘Club’ Reunion

Match of the Night: Intercontinental Championship Match: Roman Reigns defends against Samoa Joe

Wrestlers of the Night: Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe.

Rating: 6.5

January 2ND, 2018


I wish I could say we started out hot, instead PROMO Time.

Styles hits the ring, talking about Owens, Zayn and the thought that Bryan is showing them favoritism. Styles calls Bryan out to let him know if Owens will be ringside for the Styles/Zayn main event.

Bryan makes his way down to YES, YES, YES chants, followed directly by Shane McMahon. Shane steals the segment, never lets Bryan talk and again accuses him of favoritism to Owens/Zayn. He announces that if Owens will be ring side, so will he.

Bryan then speaks, saying that if Owens will be ring side, Shane will be ring side, then he will be ring side. This sets up a stacked Main Event: Styles and Zayn in ring, McMahon, Bryan and Owens ring side.

In truth the Shane versus Owens/Zayn angle has run thin, adding Bryan and Styles (and by default the World Title to the mix) spices things up. Still, this is going into overkill fast.

Why it hasn’t reached overkill just yet and still works is for two reasons: The building tension between Bryan and Shane – where is this going to go?; The great dynamic and personalities of Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens.

In the back The New Day is celebrating the New Year in a way odd even for them. Then comes RUSEV DAY to save everything – complete with Aiden singing, and Rusev calling them children. This is all a promo leading up to the English versus Woods US Title Tournament Match.

I love everyone involved. Nice bit.


Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: The Usos versus Gable and Benjamin

This was a fantastic tag team match that saw NEW Tag Team Champions for about the length of a commercial break. Jimmy complains that he was legal, but Jay was pinned by Gable. Another ref hit the ring and it turns out: Jay was illegal, Gable was illegal – Match Restarted!

Usos win and retain. Fantastic match and a great twist and call. The right call.

I wish moment like this would happen more often. Instant Replay please!!

Breezango versus the Bludgeon Brothers

Uh, why? Maybe it’s because I love seeing Breezango get tortured like this – and I am a big fan.

There is something I have to write – which I never thought I ever would, or would want to: Let The Bludgeoning Begin. Which, yeah, is what this match was. Double time. The Ascension hit the ring early this time, or for a Bludgeoning themselves.

US Title Tournament Match: Aiden English versus Xavier Woods

We start the match with Rusev signing! Please put Aiden back on the mic. NOW!

The match between Aiden and Xavier was really good. Aiden showed his mat skills and ‘manly’ style, while Woods’ agility always amazes. This was a good, hard fought match that Woods eventually won and moved on in the Tournament.

Woods will next face Jinder Mahal.

The Welcoming Committee is back! Natalya, Carmella and Tamina versus the Riott Squad.

This was a decent woman’s match more designed to promote the Royal Rumble, then be a match. Sara Logan was the star here.

Afterwards, Ruby cut a promo renaming the Royal Rumble the Royal Riott, until she was interrupted by Charlotte and Naomi . . . and a PISSED BECKY LYNCH. Yes, the Lass Kicker is back!

Main Event Time!

AJ Styles versus Sami Zayn – with Kevin Owens, Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan Ring Side.

This match was a Match, an Angle and a lead in to the Royal Rumble all in one. All the main players in SD Live’s top angel where here, and it further this story.

It showcased AJ’s frustration with the Kevin and Sami Show. It pushed Shane vendetta against the Kevin and Sami Show.

However, the biggest moment in all this was Daniel Bryan throwing Shane McMahon out of the arena, after McMahon had Owens thrown out. That was followed by Bryan announcing that AJ Style ill defend the World Title against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in a handicap match at the Rumble!

Is this favoritism from Daniel Bryan?

Lost in all this was a damn good match that saw Zayn pin the champ.

The Highlights:
  • The Kevin and Sami Show
  • Rusev calling The New Day Children
  • The Tag Team Title Match.

Final Thoughts:
Smackdown didn’t try to go all out like RAW did. They did what they seem to focus on – putting on the best show they can. And they did just that, with good promos and solid matches around. Over all a good, entertaining show. Even if the main angel is starting to wear thin.

Lowlight of the Night: N/A
Highlight of the Night: Rusev calling The New Day Children
Match of the Night: Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: The Usos versus Gable and Benjamin
Wrestler of the Night: Xavier Woods
Rating: 7


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Top Angel: The Jason Jordan show.
SMACKDOWN LIVE – Top Angel: The Kevin and Sami Show.

Both Angels are start to wear thin and drag on, but Kevin and Sami have such great dynamic they make it work. Sami seems to be having a lot of fun.


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Top Highlight: The Club Reunion.
SMACKDOWN LIVE – Top Angel: Rusev calling the New Day children.

There is no comparison: The Club.


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Intercontinental Championship Match: Roman Reigns versus Samoa Joe
SMACKDOWN LIVE – Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: The Usos versus Gable and Benjamin


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe

Woods and Aiden put on a good show, but the IC Title match saw Roman up his game big time.


When it comes to comparing my big points: Angel, Highlight, Match and Wrestler, RAW barely comes out ahead. However I rated RAW 6.5 overall, with SD Live gaining a 7.

What pushes SD Live to a 7 l is three good matches and the Kevin and Sami Show.

So even though I give RAW the advantage in Match, Highlight and Wrestler, SD Live still comes out ahead, but just barely this time.


Welcome to the first What I Watch I Review of 2018!

For this first post of the year I figured I would push the Reset button on What I Watch I Review. A Re-Imaging if you like of this blog.

Well, not really. I just felt like taking a moment and re-explain this blog and why the spectrum of films I have, and will review, goes across all genres and types of film, and doesn’t focus on any one thing.

The Reason Being: I love film. Period.

In the past I have reviewed everything from Silent Films (Dairy of a Lost Girl) to New Releases (Star Wars) to Indie (The Kiss) and everything else. Nothing film wise is off my Watch List, or my Review List.

If I watch it, it’s up for grabs for this blog.

Truth is, I am a film fan – a true fan. A Cinephile if you will. And I don’t mean someone who makes a point of going to theaters on a regular basis and ‘thinks’ they know film, when all they know is Hollywood. I am not hating on Hollywood, I like Hollywood films just fine – the good ones.

My personal collection ranges from film made by D.W. Griffith to G.W. Pabst, F. W. Murnau, Fritz Lang, Roger Corman, Akira Kurosawa, Lloyd Kaufman, Fred Olen Ray, Speilberg, Jim Jarmush, Christopher Nolan and many others.

In other words I really don’t discriminate or consider one film better then another because it’s Indie and the other is Hollywood – both make Diamonds and Coal.

I know, this is a long (and possibly fluff way) of saying I love all types of film, so I will review all types of film. And I will do so on a much regular basis then I did last year.

In fact here is a list of films I plan on reviewing over the first half of this year, which I have watched or will be watching soon:

  • DEMENTIA 13 (2017 REMAKE)
  • BEGGARS OF LIFE (1923)

All but Beggars of Life are new films – and I’m sure you can figure out which are/were theatrical releases.

As I have stated in the past, I will even post reviews of movies I didn’t finish. Why, to forewarn anyone reading this. I will give my thoughts and reason as to why I didn’t finish the piece, and if I fast forwarded to the end.

I wrote above “For this first post of the year I figured I would push the Reset button of What I Watch I Review. A Re-Imaging if you like of this blog.

Well, not really.”

Well, there will be a reset and a slight Re-Imaging. I have in the past focus strictly on film, because they are easy to watch and review. This year I am going to expand that out – this is called WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW after all.

I plan on doing some reviews of TV Show I watch as well. This may be limited to just one episode, an entire season, or even an overview of an entire series.

In addition, I am also going to write some pieces on specific directors and possibly producers. Since certain names get my attention over others, and other names lose my attention immediately.

As always, even if my review or thoughts are negative I will NEVER take personal potshots at the creators involved. My thoughts focus strictly on the work, not the person.

That’s it. Check back in two weeks for my first review of 2018 – when I will post my thoughts on the only film I watched over the Holidays that had a Christmas theme to it: BETTER WATCH OUT.

I may also have a schedule of when reviews will be up, as always it will be every two weeks.

