Friday, February 2, 2018


Director Chris Peckover
Writer Zack Kahn
Starring Olivia De Jonge
Levi Miller
Ed Oxenbould
Alex Mikic
Dacre Montgomery
Patrick Warburton
Virginia Madsen

Better Watch Out is a Christmas time slasher flick. That is the film takes place over the Christmas Holidays, but that isn’t really integral to the plot.

In Better Watch Out, Ashley (Olivia De Jonge) is babysitting for a regular family client of hers. During the night, weird things start too happened and it appears there is an intruder in the house! Or is there?

Better Watch Out is a mixed bag, it is both entertaining and aggravating at the same time. There are many good parts to this movie, which are weighed down by many more stupid parts and a lackluster script.

The best part of this film is Levi Miller, whose performance as Luke, a horny, homicidal teen is disturbing.

Yes, horny, homicidal teen. Yep – that’s the plot right there. Better Watch Out makes no attempt to hide who the killer is or what is going on. The movie is more about what he is doing and his weird sense of why he is doing it.

Luke conspires with his best friend, Garrett (Ed Oxenbould) to scare his hot, blonde babysitter Ashley – with the belief that it will get her endorphins going, she’ll get turned on and wham – no more virgin!

Things spiral badly out of control for all characters in the movie, besides Luke. The collateral damage caused by this horny, homicidal idiot is wide spread and bloody, this includes his babysitter, her boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend and Garrett, who decides to late that all this is wrong.

It seems that all this damage was planned by Luke – who thinks he can get away with it.

If there is one thing this film is not lacking, it’s acting. Everyone in this film puts in a good performance – even Patrick Warburton. Who, in his brief few scenes, is pure Patrick Warburton.

It also doesn’t lack for action – there is always something going on.

Even if that something is something stupid.

There is something else that Better Watch Out doesn’t lack – stupidity. I believe the filmmakers may have been going for comedy, but slipped somewhere along the way. There are too many moments that cross the line into stupidity – in the things Luke does, how the other characters react and what the audience is supposed to accept with suspense of disbelief.

In the end Better Watch Out joins the growing list of horror/slasher flicks taking place during Christmas that come out every holiday season in these modern times of ours.

Final Thought:
It doesn’t stand out by being any better than the rest, but by being more outlandish.

Wait and watch it next Christmas Eve – you might get a laugh.

RATING: 5.75

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