Saturday, January 6, 2018


January 5th, 2018

At the top of the show we get video recaps of everything that has happened leading up to this first broadcast of 2018 – a stack show with 4 titles match and a Career versus Career match. Can IMPACT deliver and IMPACT to start 2018?

Shockingly, they just might, as IMPACT started out hot with an X Division title match between Taiji Ishimori and Trevor Lee, with Caleb Konley ring side.

I’ve never been a big Trevor Lee fan, and outside of a few matches in IMPACT I don’t know much about Ishimori – except that he is the NEW X DIVISION CHAMPION. This match was fast, well down and a great way to start of IMPACT Hot.

They set the bar for the rest of the show – a high bar.

Konan – the old boy is pissed, and getting a Fireball in the face will do that. He calls for a World of Violence, as he will lead LAX in a Title Match against OVE – with the caveat that if LAX loses, they leave IMPACT.

James Storm does an impassioned interview concerning with feud and match with Dan Lambert. Damn good promo and it is great to see Storm being James Storm again, and not leading some group.

Impact Grand Championship – 3 Way Match: EC3 defends again Fallah Ball and Matt Sydal.

Admittedly, I missed a ton of Impact last year, so I haven’t seen much of Sydal in Impact – but know him well. Fallah Ball I know nothing about – except he is amply named.

I have to admit that I was really impressed with Fallah Ball as he dominated and won round 1. He moved quick and smoothly for his size . . . then fizzled out and did nothing in round two. EC3 took over and destroyed Ball and Sydal as he easily won round two. The third round was far more even, but the judges gave the round and win to EC3.

Over all this was a good match, every one delivered and did a good job. No slackers here. Not quite Grand, but damn good.

When are they going to let Allie be Allie, instead of this insecure bag of nerves? Haven’t they done this with her long enough? She is a legit women’s wrestler. I have never liked how they use her, or Laurel Van Ness.

Career versus Career Match: James Storm versus Dan Lambert – first off who the Hell is Dan Lambert. Secondly, why the hell is this happening? There was no match, just a coward having other people bet up James Storm so he can win.

Because of America’s Top Team, Lambert won – James Storm is gone from IMPACT.

Stupid and sucks.

I hate celebrity or non-wrestler involvement in matches and angles.

Speaking of What the Hell? Who is Chandler Park and why is Abyss back as Joseph Park? Chandler is in the ring with John Bolin and in a stupid waste of time filler match. He does absolutely noting but get his ass kicked, then wins when Big Brother punches Bolin.


Okay, so the Global Championship Match between Eli Drake and Alberto El Patron wasn’t even taped with the rest of the show? It wasn’t even on an IMPACT Card, it was a Wrestle Pro event? Nothing wrong with that, kind of nice actually, just weird.

Actually scratch that, there was a lot wrong with this. Bad filming to start with, the quality of this footage is so far below what IMPACT does it’s shameful. The camera work is terrible as well. And we don’t even get the full match.

This doesn’t make IMPACT look good, especially with a near empty venue. It’s nice that IMPACT partners with smaller promotion, but does it help IMPACT or is it a sign of the End Times?

Oh, Eli Drake retained after hitting Alberto with the title.

Main Event Time as LAX makes their way out . . . and is attacked by Sammy Callahan and OVE! Ortiz and Santana are beat down with trash can lids. Sammy and Homicide fight to who-knows-where.

The Match eventually starts in the ring with Santana going at it alone against both Crist brothers! He tries the best he can, suffers a massive beat down, but doesn’t give up. Ortiz finally get to the ring, but doesn’t fair any better, going one-on-two with Santana out of commission.

Eventually, but grit and determination, with the crowd behind them, Ortiz and Santana recover, fight through and find a way to win! NEW TAGE TEAM CHAMPIONS – LAX

I loved this match. Violent, hard hitting with an overcome the odds story. A Great way to end the show.

The Lowlights:

  • Career versus Career Match: James Storm versus Dan Lambert
  • Chandler Park
  • The Presentation of the Global Championship Match 

The Highlights:

  • X Division Title match between Taiji Ishimori and Trevor Lee
  • Impact Grand Championship – 3 Way Match: EC3 defends again Fallah Ball and Matt Sydal.
  • The Main Event

Final Thoughts:
This episode pissed me the Hell off. The first third was great. The second third was crap. The final third was great again.

This episode could have and should have been Impactful, but fell short because the second third.

  • The Highlight of the Night: Taiji Ishimori’s title win.
  • Match of the Night: The Main Event
  • Wrestler of the Night: Taiji Ishimori


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