Friday, January 5, 2018

Welcome to the first What I Watch I Review of 2018!

For this first post of the year I figured I would push the Reset button on What I Watch I Review. A Re-Imaging if you like of this blog.

Well, not really. I just felt like taking a moment and re-explain this blog and why the spectrum of films I have, and will review, goes across all genres and types of film, and doesn’t focus on any one thing.

The Reason Being: I love film. Period.

In the past I have reviewed everything from Silent Films (Dairy of a Lost Girl) to New Releases (Star Wars) to Indie (The Kiss) and everything else. Nothing film wise is off my Watch List, or my Review List.

If I watch it, it’s up for grabs for this blog.

Truth is, I am a film fan – a true fan. A Cinephile if you will. And I don’t mean someone who makes a point of going to theaters on a regular basis and ‘thinks’ they know film, when all they know is Hollywood. I am not hating on Hollywood, I like Hollywood films just fine – the good ones.

My personal collection ranges from film made by D.W. Griffith to G.W. Pabst, F. W. Murnau, Fritz Lang, Roger Corman, Akira Kurosawa, Lloyd Kaufman, Fred Olen Ray, Speilberg, Jim Jarmush, Christopher Nolan and many others.

In other words I really don’t discriminate or consider one film better then another because it’s Indie and the other is Hollywood – both make Diamonds and Coal.

I know, this is a long (and possibly fluff way) of saying I love all types of film, so I will review all types of film. And I will do so on a much regular basis then I did last year.

In fact here is a list of films I plan on reviewing over the first half of this year, which I have watched or will be watching soon:

  • DEMENTIA 13 (2017 REMAKE)
  • BEGGARS OF LIFE (1923)

All but Beggars of Life are new films – and I’m sure you can figure out which are/were theatrical releases.

As I have stated in the past, I will even post reviews of movies I didn’t finish. Why, to forewarn anyone reading this. I will give my thoughts and reason as to why I didn’t finish the piece, and if I fast forwarded to the end.

I wrote above “For this first post of the year I figured I would push the Reset button of What I Watch I Review. A Re-Imaging if you like of this blog.

Well, not really.”

Well, there will be a reset and a slight Re-Imaging. I have in the past focus strictly on film, because they are easy to watch and review. This year I am going to expand that out – this is called WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW after all.

I plan on doing some reviews of TV Show I watch as well. This may be limited to just one episode, an entire season, or even an overview of an entire series.

In addition, I am also going to write some pieces on specific directors and possibly producers. Since certain names get my attention over others, and other names lose my attention immediately.

As always, even if my review or thoughts are negative I will NEVER take personal potshots at the creators involved. My thoughts focus strictly on the work, not the person.

That’s it. Check back in two weeks for my first review of 2018 – when I will post my thoughts on the only film I watched over the Holidays that had a Christmas theme to it: BETTER WATCH OUT.

I may also have a schedule of when reviews will be up, as always it will be every two weeks.



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