Friday, June 22, 2018

What I Watch I Review a State of Review

At this time, even though I cannot ‘Watch It,’ I want to do a short State of Review of What I Watch I Review.

How will I do this Review, in three Parts: Writing, Content and Frequency.

Writing: Of course the writing of these reviews that I post are Stellar and without compare or equal. What is said in the reviews is brilliant, and the assessment of each film is spot on perfect.

Content: The content has varied of course, depending on the movie being watch. Some are great: Rouge One, A Star Wars Story. Some are unwatchable: The Phantom Punch. The content of each film has little to do with the Blog Writing, but the writing does elevate the content.

Frequency: From day one this was planned to be a bi-weekly blog. At times that has been kept to, but there have been long period of inactivity.

Final Thoughts: The blog is on the verge of greatness, but needs to be posted to more often.
FINAL RATING: 6.6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666

COMING SOON: Movie Reviews will return to What I Watch I Review on Friday, July 5th. As posted in my State of the Master Blog – I am prioritizing projects and this blog is one of those Priorities.

Check back on July 6th for SOLO, A STAR WASR STORY Review.

Ace Masters.

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