Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Is the Keep an actual movie? I’m serious on this question. From what I understand the movie was never actually finished, at least not to director’s Michael Mann’s satisfaction. There are at least three different versions out there of varying length and different scenes.

I have only recently watched the Keep, in what I found out was the studio cut 96-minute version . . . something which is almost unreviewable.

Because of the troubled history of this film, multiple reshoots, FX Supervisor dying during production and talk of Michael Mann constantly changing his mind, it is hard to really review this film with taking them into consideration.

I will try though.

The 96-minute cut of the film is not very good. This cut seems unfinished and as if half the movie is missing, and indeed that might be true. Mann’s original cut was reportedly 210 minutes long – with another cut being 120 minutes.

This 96-minute cut was apparently done by the studio without Mann’s involvement, so the poor editing and presentation can’t be solely credited to Mann. However, what is in the scenes can be.

The 96 minute cut is a glimpse of what could have been, and what is. The ‘what is’ part tells us certain things: such as poor editing, poor direction, lackluster acting and mediocre script. It is more of a template for a longer film, then a film itself.

Indeed, the 96 minute cut feels like outtakes cobbled together to make a film.

There could be a good film in here somewhere. There might actually be a film in here somewhere. I am interested in one day seeing the longer cuts, but am not sure if that is a good idea.

Only if you have nothing better to do.


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