Friday, November 18, 2016


The First time I watched HellRaiser was 1994/95. I watched it for three reasons.

  • I had always heard how awesome of a movie it was.
  • I was, and am, a big Andrew Robinson fan due to his work as Garrick on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
  • I wanted to see it.
I remember not liking the movie. I had not watched it since, nor seen any of the sequels. Over this past Halloween I decided to give HellRaiser a second chance, in fact I planned on watching all the movies over a few days.

I have written this before, and am sure I will again: BAD MOVE. BIG MISTAKE.

A lot of people are not going to like this!

I remembered very quickly why I didn’t like the film the first time. Not just didn’t like, hated. In fact, I didn’t then, and still don’t today, understand why it I held up in such high esteem.

Hellraiser is just not very good. It is a very amateurish looking film. It has poor acting, bad pacing and non-existence characterization. The script is very lacking and Clive Barker’s direction is nowhere to be found.

Yes, there is some decent effects and nice gore value (for the ‘80’s), but those do not a film make. Not even a horror film.

I know the argument that this is existential horror. Nope. Doesn’t fly. Surreal, maybe. Existential. No.

To be blunt, HellRiaser is a piss poor, amateurish, badly made film.

  • Bad Acting
  • Bad Characterization
  • Bad Directing
  • Bad Filming
  • Bad Movie
  • Unwatchable

HellRaiser puts the ‘Horr’ in Horrible.


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