Monday, November 7, 2016

Neon Maniacs

Neon Maniacs

Okay, seriously: Neon Maniacs . . . Without a doubt this is some serious ‘80’s horror/gore/supernatural goodness. That may be the nicest thing I can say about the film. Seriously, it is a compliment.

Seriously though, what the Hell is Neon Maniacs? For that matter what is A Neon Maniac? And why the hell are they call Neon? These are serious questions people, and they never get answered. Not that it really makes a difference to the story, plot or characters.

Oh wait, that’s right – who needs a silly story, plot or well-rounded characters? This is ‘80’s horror!

Apparently Neon Maniacs are the Legion of the Damned, unleashed from under San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge to do battle with local teenagers, only to be defeated. Just don’t expect the movie to tell you that part.

For the Gore Miesters out there, there is a lot of gore and violence and gruesome kills. These are the high points of the film.

Production value for Neon Maniacs is typical for the time period and genre, low budget, average, but gets the job down. Acting is typical for the time period and genre, non-existence.

Neon Maniacs is best suited to the Gore Crowd and the So-Bad-It’s-Good niche. Even hardcore genre fans may find the movie lacking and a little to typical. Overall it’s an average film at best.

Why weren’t the God Damn maniacs Neon? Seriously, I wanted NEON!


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