Friday, March 13, 2015


Directed by Juan Diego Solanas

Starring Jim Sturgess, Kirsten Dunst

When I first found out about Upside Down, I was looking forward to seeing it. The idea intrigued me. When I finally sat down and watch the movie this past week, the intriguing idea seemed to fade away.

The idea of twin planets with opposite pulls of gravity seemed nice, the execution of this seemed off. One planet was on top of the other and you could crossed between them using a building called TransWorld.

There is even a scene where the worlds are crossed using a rope. Even for Science-Fiction I found this far-fetched, what about the void of space in between? Maybe I just missed something.

The other thing that faded this concept for me was the story and plot. Instead of exploring and exploiting the Twin Worlds concept to reveal how people lived in this unique way, they used the concept to tell a generic romantic comedy story.

In fact, this film faded so quickly for me it is another unfinished viewing. Around 40 minutes in I stopped caring and stopped watching. Nothing was happened, other than a late twenty-something guy, pawning over a girl he once knew ten years before and coming up with elaborate schemes to see her.

Sorry but this was not a good use of this concept. Furthermore, there was nothing in the script or characters to get emotionally invested in.

The visuals are stunning though, points for that.

FINAL VIEW: Wasted opportunity.


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