Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Directed by Juno Mak

Written By Philip Yung
Jill Leung
Juno Mak

Starring Chin Siu-ho
Anthony Chan
Kara Hui
Lo Hoi-panh
Paw Hee-Ching

Rigor Mortis is a Hong Kong horror film. Despite that it does use some typical Asian horror motifs, this is a really good, creepy and entertaining horror film.

A down-on-his-luck, depressed and suicidal actor, Chin Sio-Ho, moves into a dilapidated apartment building and comes face to face with twin ghosts, a vampire hunter, a black magic practitioner and an elderly women trying to resurrect her dead husband. A resurrection that only succeeds in him becoming a vampire (the Chinese variation, not European).

Rigor Mortis achieves three things many horror films do not. It maintains a level creepiness throughout the movie. It never forgets it is a horror film. It has a number of good to excellent performances from the cast.

How many horror films can you actually praises the cast?

The script is good, the acting is good and it never devolves into a gore fest, plus it keeps up a heavy dose of ‘what-is-going-on’ up until the ending.

FINAL VIEW: See this film, especially if you are a horror or Asian film fan.


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