Saturday, September 30, 2017

What I Watch I Review: DRONE WARS

Drone Wars

Directed By Jack Perez

Starring Corin Nemec, Nathin Butler, Verona Blue, Whitney Moore

In Drone Wars, Corin Nemec (yes, Parker Lewis) plays a good man who goes out of his way to help others, putting himself in harm’s way, in humanity’s darkest hour.

Mysterious Drones of unknown origin have all but destroyed the Earth and Elias (Nemec) has been chosen by a mysterious group (The Hornets, aka Bugs) to receive advanced weapons that can fight the Drones. This is complicated by a rouge group lead by a man name Rhys, who believes he is better suited to lead the fight against the Drones then the current leadership in L.A.

Drone Wars is one of those odd films that isn’t bad, but isn’t good. It falls somewhere in the painfully average category. A film that is competently made, but just doesn’t quite get there. It’s maddening, because Drone Wars could have been a much better film.

It falls prey to the same three problems many indie films do – especially lower budget horror and sci-fi films. Poor script, effects and acting. Three things ANY film needs to really succeed.

The script is about half-way to where it should be. It’s another film that feels like it was lensed off of a pitch sheet rather than an actual fleshed out item usually called a screenplay. The plot is there, but often in the background and forgotten while other things happen. What story there is seems to peter away after the first thirty minutes, and turns into an hour of filler.

What does happen it often so illogical it destroys any suspension of belief and causes the viewer to ask: Really?

When it comes to the acting, you really need to know only two things: Corin Nemec and Verona Blue.

Corin Nemec is an actually good actor, and does his best here. He actually delivers the type of performance a good version of this film would need to get viewers engaged.

Verona Blue may be my favorite new actress, and is easily the best special effect in this film. She gives a performance that is far better than the actual film.

Nathin Butler as Rhys get a special mention here, if for nothing else than chewing the scenery in every scene he has.

The production values are good, but held back by a flat look to the image and special effects that seem lifted out of the 1980’s. Sometimes the Drones look really good, especially the big ‘mother’ Drones. It’s the other times that are more dangerous than the Drones themselves.

Many times when the Drones move and change course as they fly, they seem to change shape, go fuzzy and even expand and contract. Weird. Often, the Drones move so fast you barely see anything but a grey or silver blur on screen.

One almost gets the feeling they are moving this fast so the viewer won’t realize how bad the effect actual is.

Maybe the movie should have moved just as fast.

Drone Wars is worth watching at least once. But ultimately it is a disappointing film that could, and should have, been much better.


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