Friday, February 5, 2016

BLONDIE Film Series

Oh, Boy. Sometimes watching something is just a mistake, a bad mistake.

Not too long ago I bought a bargain bin $5 DVD of the Blondie films from the 1930’s/40’s, based upon the Blondie comic book strip. There are ten films on the 2-disc set. I have since learned to buy nothing put out by this company.

I was feeling like some comedy, and I like the current Blondie strip, so I popped in the first disc to watch at least one film Tuesday night and  . . .

Wow, was it bad. I’m not talking the lackluster, slightly fuzzy print either. I’m talking the film. It wasn’t a comedy, it was just dumb. Dagwood is completely stupid and inept, and even Blondie is presented as dimwitted, and then the kid. Geez.

The stories were terrible. I couldn’t make it through the first film in the series, so I skipped to the second. Then I skipped to the fourth. After a few minutes of that I popped in the second disc and put on the tenth film in the set.

It was just as bad as the first.

I know the Blondie strip was different back then, but I doubt they presented everyone as an idiot. I also know that stories need to be fleshed out a lot to adapt a strip to film. Still, while wildly successful in their day (a few dozen where made) they don’t hold up.

The films are not fun as they should be, just dumb.


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