Monday, June 17, 2019


The Blogs Are Back!

Starting Monday, July 1st with WrestleMentary!

When I originally announced this current Blog Hiatus, I said ALL my Blogs would return starting July 1st with WrestleMentary. Then, a few weeks later I mentioned pushing that return back to my Birthday, July 27th. Well, I’m changing that again and going back to the original plan: July 1st

As of Monday, July 1st the Blogs will return from Hiatus starting with Wrestlementary.

From there all the Blogs (except Wrestlementary) will return on the originally planned 2019 Monthly Schedule.

  • Wednesday, 7/3 – THE BURNING MIND
  • Thursday, 7/11 – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • Friday, 7/19 – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • Sunday, 7/28 – RAW FLESH
  • Wednesday, 7/31 – STATE OF THE MASTER

There is no set posting schedule for Wrestlementary as their will be more than one monthly post. So the schedule will be more random. There will however be regular WWE Coverage focused around the time of PPVs or the dreaded “Super Shows.”

As for the rest of the year, the Blogs should follow the following schedule. Though, there may be times I post a little more often.


  • 1ST Wednesday of each Month – THE BURNING MIND
  • 2ND Thursday of each Month – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • 3RD Friday of each Month – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • 4TH Sunday of each Month – RAW FLESH
  • Last Day of each Month – STATE OF THE MASTER
  • WrestleMentary: Random Posts

See you July 1st,

 - Ace

Monday, May 6, 2019

The State of the Blogs May 2019

Okay, this State Of is going out across all my Blogs. It’s a companion piece to my State of the Master.

I am far behind on all my Blogs because of my shoulder, and at times – I must admit – myself allowing my shoulder issues to stop me.

I started this year with great plans, but didn’t . . .

As I wrote in my State of the Master Blog, effective immediately I’m in going into Focus Mode and Catch Up Mode. I have to do this.

Originally, the plan was to officially suspend until July 1st. But that has changed due to an emergency.
My dog, Zoie, had to undergo emergency surgery to be spade (which was never done) and remove a breast growth. She is recovering now, and we have found out the tumor was a low-grade cancer, but it has all been removed.

This was very stressful on her, me and Mom. So I put everything to the side to take care of the little girl. She is doing fine right now and gets her cone and stitches removed Monday, May 13th. I could do no less for Zoie as she is the one who got my mom the day I collapse in the back yard from the Aneurysm, if not for her I may have died. 

That said, I am now suspending the Blogs until their return on my Birthday: Sunday, July 27th. The day the Blogs will return with RAW FLESH . . . and move forward from there.

As originally stated I will try and post on the original 2019 schedule from that point on AND post on a Catch Up Schedule, posting all the stuff from this year that hasn’t been posted.

Yes, I will be writing, editing and prepping all the Blog Posts I have missed up to that point.

I’ll also be getting caught up on projects this year that I have gotten behind on.

This is the LAST Time I will be doing this and suspending the Blogs. It’s something I have to do, for myself and to move forward.


Ace Masters.

Friday, January 4, 2019

The State of What I Watch I Review for 2019

The State of What I Watch I Review

The State of What I Watch I Review is much like my other blogs – Rarely sighted in the second half of 2018 and out on Hiatus. Like Burning Mind, Raw Flesh, Wrestlementary and This is a True Story, What I Watch I Review fell afoul of my lack of focus and the many other things that happened in my life in the second half of 2018 (Both Good and Bad).

That said, WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW is back as of right now, starting with this Sate Of and continuing with monthly Reviews of films and perhaps more.

In Fact I can tell you this, I will kick off What I Watch I Review for 2019 with a review of: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.

Followed in February by thoughts on Renee Dealder’s Hysteria.

In addition to a State of, I also want to make a Statement of Addition. I plan on expanded out what I write about concerning film – beyond just doing reviews.

In 2018 I added FF Worthy, and briefly discussed 3 to 6 films at a time and why they aren’t worth watching, just FF them to found out what happens – if even that.

Now, it’s time to expand out again with Trailer Apocalypse.

Trailer Apocalypse will be a new feature where I will break down five trailers per piece and whether they are actually good enough to entice one to watch the movie, or whether they are just god-awful and makes one want to avoid the move at all cost.

Of course, a trailer may be good, and the movie god-awful, and the other way around. So at some point I may follow up Trailer Apocalypse with thoughts on some of the actual movies.

As for “beyond just doing reviews” I also want to add CLOSE UP. CLOSE UP will be pieces I write focusing on a particular filmmaker, genre or cliché where I will give my thoughts, good and/or bad, on the subject.

Even though I am planning to cover a little more than Movie Reviews, at the moment only expect Monthly pieces, on the third Friday of each month. Monthly pieces that may expanded to more as the year goes on.

