Friday, March 17, 2017


Anyone who reads any of my blogs should realize I am a massive comic book fan and reader. So, no surprise I saw Logan on opening day. (I had a free pass anyway) While I have never been a huge X-Men guy, I know all about them as Make Mine Marvel.

From the moment I saw the first Logan trailer I had a special feeling about this film. The trailer promised a more down to earth, gritty film with some ‘Southern Lit’ feel to it.

Logan delivered just that.

Logan delivers the Wolverine film comic book fans have been waiting for since 1999 and X-Men. Logan delivers the best of all the X-men films. Leave it to the last days of Wolverine, I mean Logan, to be his best.

This is not so much an X-men, or a Wolverine film, as it is Old Man Logan.

And, without spoilers for those who haven’t seen it, yes almost all the rumors that swirled about Logan are true.

Logan takes place sometime in the future after Mutants have been effectively wiped out. Only Logan, Xavier and Caliban are known to exist. And Caliban because he once help hunt down his fellow mutants, as a sort of penance he now helps Logan protect Xavier.

Then comes Laura – X-23 – and all Hell breaks loose like never before in any X-men film.

Make no mistake, this is the most violent X-Men film, period. Double period.

Down to Earth, Gritty, Violent Filled, we finally see the real Wolverine in action.

Beyond the action, this film delivers an emotion wallop that makes all the violence seem tame. As someone noted when leaving the theater “Greatest depressing movie ever.” The guy was right.

There was little to nothing I found lacking in Logan. This was a finely tuned and crafted film. Production quality was top notch, effects were dead on, and then there is the script and acting.

The script is stellar. It is laired and has a literature quality to it. It is at the same time about nothing, and everything.

Logan has become nothing, a shell of himself. His only goal is the protection of Xavier.

By the end of the film, it becomes about everything. Everything Logan was and could be.

What really make this film rise above is the performances. Patrick Stewart is awesome as a dementia, perhaps Alzheimer’s touched Charles Xavier. Hugh Jackman delivers his tour-de-force performance. If this is his last time clawed, it is a time no one will ever forget.

Then there is Dafne Keene, Laura/X-23. How the hell did she hold her own with Stewart and Jackman?

Logan is what we have been waiting for.

Here it is Ladies and Gentlemen, the closest thing we have yet to a Super-Hero art film.

RATING: 8.75

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