Friday, October 7, 2016


Matt Mercury. I’ve seen this on Amazon Instant Video for a long time. The other night I took the plunge and decided to give it a chance.

I almost want to apologize for what I am about to write . . .

Giving this film a chance was, well, not a good idea. It ended up being even worse than I thought it would be, or thought it could be.

The fact that the filmmakers got the film made and got it on Amazon is the nicest thing I can say about the film.

The story is terrible, the acting atrocious and the production values are up to Saturday Morning Kids show standards in deepest, darkest Africa – where TV doesn’t exist.

The film is one of the worst films I have ever had the unfortunate dis-pleasure of seeing. The thing is, it seems to me like the filmmakers may have had a lot of fun trying to make a ‘so bad it’s good’ movie. If that is the case (and I have no idea) they partly succeed, but only the ‘so bad’ part.

Let me make one thing clear, I didn’t like the film, but I refuse the bash or write ill of the filmmakers. I don’t know them, they could be good people. They may have had a lot of fun making this – whatever it is . . . there has to be some reason for it to exist.

I try not to have any more thoughts on this film.


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