Thursday, January 1, 2015


Hello All,

Welcome to my new blog “What I Watch I Review.” This new blog . . .  well ‘faux’ new blog really. I originally launched this blog on January 1st of 2014. I never did write for it because a brain aneurysm sideline the year 2014.

Everything is good now though, and effective immediately today, Thursday, January 1, writing for this blog commences.

Okay, so back to “What I Watch I Review.” It is exactly as it is title. This is a blog where I will review, comment and discuss materials that I watch. Movies, documentaries and the occasional TV show.

I will focus mostly on movie commentary and reviews. Don’t expect a lot of current run theatrical reviews unless I see the movie while in theaters.

I have eclectic tastes, everything from ‘art house’ fare to genre movies, foreign, silent, etc. All movies are on my plate and I will write about many of them on this blog.

In fact, my first piece will be posted tonight, as I will write about Jackie Chan’s ‘Little Big Soldier.’

At this point I plan on posting a review every two weeks, on Fridays. I may post more often, but we will so how it goes. These reviews will be between 400 and 500-words. I want to keep the reviews tight and succinct, keeping the filler limited.

As I do with my comic book blog “The Burning Mind,” I may also posted random ‘flash reviews,” which will be short 150-words or less reviews.

I won’t just write about films I enjoy, I will also write about films I don’t like, and even films I don’t finish and why.

In addition to the review/commentary pieces, I will probably also write some general film and opinion pieces, and even some rants on the film industry. This will be in addition to the reviews.

I plan my style for the blog to be more of a smooth conversational, talking style. Something that invites more interaction.

One thing I will NOT do is take pots shot or insult filmmakers or actors. Even if I hate a film, I will not spout hatred toward the filmmaker. So don’t expect that.

I also don’t expect everyone to agree with what I write. It’s all good though.


Ace Masters.

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